Live Encounters Poetry & Writing October 2020

LE P&W October 2020 Banner

Anni Wilton-Jones – Flash Fiction
Gordon Meade – Tehuantepec Jackrabbit
Indran Amirthanayagam – The Artist’s Role
John L Stanizzi – The Fallen Leaves – II
John Liddy – Two Views From The Banks of The River Haihe
John W Sexton Tales from Aether Earth
Martin Willitts Jr This is What Happened Next
Matt Mooney – L’Esprit de Vie
Peter O’Neill – Two Sonnets From Henry Street Arcade
Translated into French by Yan Kouton

Robert Shanahan – The Shaping Of A Turtle Shell
Sandra Nguyen – The Lone Wolf
Sarah M Brownsberger – Property in a Lava Field
Vivian Bolognani – Where We Walk

LE P&W October 2020pdf

Please help by donating any amount for this just cause as events this year are threatening the very future of Live Encounters.
