As Kathmandu crumbles Jill Gocher makes a passionate appeal in this issue, urging us to reach into our pockets and hearts…to give something towards the relief effort for the wretched souls who are facing the wrath of Mother Nature. And if you have nothing to give then a small prayer would do just fine. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om
Aryaa Naik – Walking with Strangers – interview with author Randhir Khare of Strangers on the Shore
Dr Candess M Campbell – The Saboteur
Dr Terje Østebø and Wallelign Shemsedin – The Intellectualist movement in Ethiopia…
Jill Gocher – Kathmandu Crumbles
Maha Noor Elahi – My Fair Lady in Saudi Arabia
Mariana Prandini Assis – Women in the rulings of the African Commission…
Mark Ulyseas – Nepal Earthquake: How much will everyone earn from this tragedy?
Natalie Wood – Israeli Voters Examine Their Scars
Ozlem Warren – From Turkey With Love
Rinki Bhattacharya – in an exclusive interview with Mark Ulyseas
Terry McDonagh – Some Never Left