Live Encounters Poetry & Writing May 2021

LE P&W May 2021 banner

Randhir Khare – Bodhi
Celeste Augé – When I grow up
David Rigsbee – MAGA Sonnets
Susan Azar Porterfield – Marriage
Lisa C Taylor – Design for a Chaotic World
Les Wicks – Just saying…
Richard W Halperin – Something Else
Moya Roddy – You Were Everything
John W Sexton – Spiral to Mercury
Michael Durack – Hard hands
Peter O’Neill – Wake not Woke
Éamon Mag Uidhir – Three Poems

LE P&W May 2021PDF

Please help by donating any amount for this just cause as events in 2020/21 are threatening the very future of Live Encounters.
