Live Encounters Poetry & Writing April 2020

Thank you Peter O’Neill for putting together this fabulous collection of poets and writers. In these uncertain times we need sustenance from poets and writers to reassure us that there is hope for humanity, and redemption, amidst the ongoing rapacious indulgences that appear to overcome us all. This edition is out early because life is a bit uncertain at my end and that is why I am rushing through publication. Frolic in the font with poets and writers from across the world in self-isolation. What a wonderful way to spend the time!  – Mark Ulyseas
LE P&W April 2020 Banner

Peter O’Neill – Guest Editorial – Reference Points
Anamaría Crowe Serrano – Excerpts From a Novel
Antonia Alexandra Klimenko – La Vie en Rouge
Brendan McCormack – Unspoken Place
Carolina Medina – Capitula Once – Chapter Eleven
Christine Murray – Poetic Practice
Daniel Wade – The Long Watch
David Rigsbee – Canto XXXI
Éamon Mag Uidhir – Two Epigrams of Martial
Enda Coyle Greene – Continua
Fred Johnston – Words and Music
Jim Ferguson – Serenade
Linda Ibbotson – Bargemusic – Brooklyn
Michael J Whelan – Landscapes of Conflict
Conflicted Landscapes

Michael S Begnal – Many Mantises
Mick Corrigan – Wild Sleepless Nights
Osama Esber – Fermentation
Peter Sheekey – The Intercultural Storytelling Project
Rob Buchanan – Sixth Seal
Silva Zanoyan Merjanian – Judgement
Souzan Ali – At The End of The City
Yan Kouton – Vision

LE P&W April 2020pdf
