“In Romania,” she (poet Ana Blandiana) explained, “we often discussed the subject of resistance through culture. We survived Ceausescu through this resistance. But resistance is more important now than before, because culture is being replaced by anti-culture. The fact that it is normal to talk about the end of Europe is proof that culture doesn’t represent anything anymore, even in Europe. Europe created two totalitarian societies, two world wars, and yet poets continued to write. We must create a movement of intellectual solidarity to counter the media’s destruction of culture.” In her poem “Biography” she wrote: “Every poem unsaid, every word not found,/ Threatens the atmosphere.” – Christopher Merrill
Christopher Merrill – Guest Editorial – Funeral Sentences
Gareth Writer-Davies — Artificial Flowers
Hongri Yuan – Wine of Soul
Jack Grady – Bloodline
James Walton – Cockroach Meditation
Kevin Higgins on Anne Walsh Donnelly’s The Woman With An Owl Tattoo
Magi Gibson – Menopausal Thunderstorm
Maria Castro Dominguez – Insomnia
Martina Evans on Tim Cumming’s Knuckle
Nina Kossman – Lament For Odysseus
Sandra Yannone – Tulips in Fall
Susan Azar Porterfield on Hedy Habra’s The Taste of the Earth
Terry McDonagh – The Piper of Treenabontry