“Peace is possible if it is wanted. Now, Israeli leaders do not want it. Peace means two State solution. While, in principle, the Israelis leaders admitted the two State solution, they make every effort, through settlements to take as much as they can of Palestinian land. Recently some Israeli leaders say it clearly; there will be never a Palestinian State. The two State solution is becoming something impossible. The only solution will remain one State for all. Israel does not want this solution either. They want one State for the Jews alone. Israeli leaders are facing a dilemma: either justice, end of Palestinian occupation, end of Palestinians’ oppression, or the political status quo – occupation, oppression, discrimination, and the conflict will go on for years.” – Palestinian Patriarch Emeritus Michel Sabbah
His Beatitude Emeritus Patriarch Michel Sabbah – exclusive interview
Father Dr David M. Neuhaus SJ – Christian Peace-making in Israel-Palestine Today
Rabbi Arik Ascherman – Rabbis for Human Rights
Dr Altaf Qadir – Pakistan’s Academics under siege by Government
Dr Budi Hernawan – Is the Pacific’s solidarity for Papua on the rise?
Yesim Yaprak Yildiz – Aboriginal people against the forced closure…
Elizabeth Willmott-Harrop – Faces of Change in Ethiopia Part 3
Anjum Katyal – Encounters with Badal Sircar
Anna Salleh – Coração Brasileiro – A Brazilian Heart
Joachim Matschoss – Travel – First World Problems
Mark Ulyseas – The Ugliness of Exceptionalism
Jill Gocher – A message from Rumi