Live Encounters Book Reviews July-August 2022

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David Rigsbee
Guest editorial 
Brian Kirk review of
Depositions by Anton Floyd
Jordan Smith review of
This Much I Can Tell You by David Rigsbee
Rita Kelly review of
Bogmen First & Last by Eileen Casey
Michael Farry review of
Sensorial by Carolyne Van Der Meer
Vivian Zhou review of
Mirrors and Windows by Anna Yin
Henry Briffa review of
The Beating Heart by Denise O’Hagan
K.T. Slattery review of
A Dedication to Drowning by Maeve McKenna
Nancy Avery Dafoe review of
Masquerade, A Memoir in Poetry by Carolyne Wright
Tim Tomlinson review of
Bloodrust and other stories by Julia Prendergast
Vasilis Manousakis review of
This is Not Happening to You by Tim Tomlinson
Tina Claffey – Portal-Otherworldly Wonders of
Ireland’s Bogs, Wetlands & Eskers – book release
Denise O’Hagan – Anamnesis – book release
Michael J Leach – Natural Philosophies – book release

Note: Individual profile pages will be uploaded once back end work on the site has been completed.

LE Books July-August 2022pdf

Please help by donating any amount for this just cause as events in 2022 are threatening the very future of Live Encounters.


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