04 APRIL 2013

Profiting from Pain – Campaign for Affordable Trastuzumab takes on Roche in India – Kalyani Menon-Sen
Mama, don’t cut my vagina – female genital mutilation – when will it stop? – Mark Ulyseas
Nothing’s Fair – Terry McDonagh
How to Think – Chris Hedges – This article was first published on Truthdig
Catherine Jane Birch, Author of Koro in a candid interview with Live Encounters
Faith and Religion –  Dr Ivo Coelho
Magic in stone – Prehistoric rock carvings in Goa – Randhir Khare
Ancient Food Forges Arab-Jewish Friendships – Natalie Wood
Child and Forced Marriage in South Sudan – Human Rights Watch
Entering Trance for Self-Healing – Candess M Campbell

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