Live Encounters Poetry & Writing September 2023

LE P&W September 2023c

Colette Nic Aodha – Guest editorial
John Philip Drury
Jean O’Brien
Audrey Molloy
Michael J Leach
Irina Frolova
Jim Burke
John Samuel Tieman
DeWitt Clinton
Dominique Hecq
Richard W Halperin
Kate Maxwell
Maeve McKenna
Lynn Strongin
Barbara Bald
Alicia Viguer-Espert
Jo France
Sarah Meehan
Kate McNamara
Shanta Acharya
Maeve McKenna’s
review of Sinead McClure’s pamphlet.
Di Li
Lisa C. Taylor

Please help by donating any amount for this just cause as events in 2023 are threatening the very future of Live Encounters.

LE P&W September 2023PDF
