Live Encounters Magazine September 2015

A definitive article by Dr Namrata Goswami, Research Fellow, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, on ethnic hostilities in the Northeast of India, which is an overview of the factors contributing to continued insurgency, the Indian Government’s omissions and commissions, with an acute understanding of tribal sensitivities. Written exclusively for Live Encounters.

Live Encounters Magazine September 2015c

Dr Namrata Goswami – Ethnic Conflicts in Northeast India
Camilla R Barker – Introducing the IFRC/UNDP Checklist on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction
Dr Cynthia Banham – Creating Permanent Memories of Torture
David Morgan – Listen To The Authentic Voice Of The People
John Thorpe – Grandson of American Legend Jim Thorpe Speaks Out
Natalie Wood – The Love of Complete Contempt
Dr Nuray Aykin – Author of Pomegranates and Grapes: Landscapes from My Childhood in an exclusive interview
Terry McDonagh – Father & Son
Randhir Khare – Interview with Amit Gupta, diplomat and author of Lessons From Ruslana
Aryaa Naik – Cultivating Kabir
Dr Candess M Campbell – The Child Archetype
Daniel Holt – House of Lords Reform: Keeping the Expertise
Mark Ulyseas – The Third Word War: Are we seeing the end of the Word as we know it?

Live Encounters Magazine September 2015