Live Encounters Magazine June 2020

John Pettigrew – Irish Landscape Architect and Artist
in an interview with Mark Ulyseas

Dr Namrata Goswami –
The Race to the Moon is Getting Crowded:
Legal Implications

Dr Howard Richards –
What Teachers Can Do To Improve The Economies
That Will Emerge After The Pandemic

Dr Shanthie Mariet D’Souza –
Afghanistan’s War on Covid-19: Politics of the Pandemic

Dr Bibhu Prasad Routray – Islamic State’s Khorasan Province:
A Melting Pot for South Asian Jihadists

Tina Claffey – Worlds within Worlds
Barry Delaney – 40 Footers
Vũ Tuấn Hưng – Rural Laos
Carl Scharwath and Marina M Malhotra in Collaboration
Mark Ulyseas – Catamaran from Bali to Lembongan

LE Mag June 2020PDF
