Eileen Casey – Guest Editorial
Contributors are first year/second year students
at Ériu Community College, Barnwell Road, Hansfield, Dublin 15
Alanah Shakespeare
Alkendaa Al Salamat
Domas Tumenas
Noreen Aby
Dieulevet Oliveira
Ahmad Khan
Talya Ahmed
Steve Sam
Nicolas Minac
Klara Venclovaviciute
Veronica Gone
Modestas Mogenis
Alex Losty McGrail
Note: Individual profile pages will be uploaded once back end work on the site has been completed.
It was a pleasure to work with Eriú young poets. All the teachers were tremendously supportive, a positive experience in every way. The Live Encounters Young People & Writers’ edition is representative of the work achieved. Grateful thanks to all, especially Mark Ulysses his interest and continuing support, makes so much more possible, Eileen Casey