Live Encounters Poetry – Reading The Lines Easter 1916 Commemorative Edition

“The idea behind Reading The Lines derives from William Butler Yeats’ Easter 1916’. Poets were invited to choose a line from this iconic work which resonated for them, either culturally, politically or historically. The chosen line was then given a new lease of poetic life, forming a transitional bridge from the now of 2016 to a century ago and the events which led up to or followed on from Ireland becoming a Republic. Because ‘Easter 1916’ is such a well known poem, certain lines have gone into public consciousness, lines such as: Are changed, changed utterly: A terrible beauty is born. But there are equally evocative lines which also speak to both the mind and heart, lines such as: Hearts with one purpose alone, To murmur name upon name,/As a mother names her child or We know their dream; enough/To know they dreamed and are dead. ‘Easter 1916’ as well as being an exploration of Yeats’ response to the political situation in Ireland.” – Eileen Casey, Irish Poet and Writer

Live Encounters Platform One Writers Easter


Aine Lyons, Anne Marron, Annette Bryan, Brian Kirk, Brigid Flynn, Cecilia McGovern, Claire O’Connor, Colym McGlynn, Doreen Duffy, Francis Noel Duffy, Geraldine Mills, Mae Newman, Maggie O’Dwyer, Mairide Woods, Marie Gahan, Michael J Whelan, Niamh Byrne, Orla Donoghue, Patricia Best, Patricia Fitzgerald, Rena Sparling, Susan Condon, Tony Higgins. Lucy Higgins, Tony Bardon, Tony Shields, Trish Nugent, Vivienne Kearns, Gavan Duffy, Georgina Casserly.

LE Esater 1916 Special Edition May 2016c