“The idea behind Reading The Lines derives from William Butler Yeats’ Easter 1916’. Poets were invited to choose a line from this iconic work which resonated for them, either culturally, politically or historically. The chosen line was then given a new lease of poetic life, forming a transitional bridge from the now of 2016 to a century ago and the events which led up to or followed on from Ireland becoming a Republic. Because ‘Easter 1916’ is such a well known poem, certain lines have gone into public consciousness, lines such as: Are changed, changed utterly: A terrible beauty is born. But there are equally evocative lines which also speak to both the mind and heart, lines such as: Hearts with one purpose alone, To murmur name upon name,/As a mother names her child or We know their dream; enough/To know they dreamed and are dead. ‘Easter 1916’ as well as being an exploration of Yeats’ response to the political situation in Ireland.” – Eileen Casey, Irish Poet and Writer
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