Three Tankas by Azril Bacal
Filigrana del Invierno sueco
Con filigrana
de plata fulgurante
nos deslumbra el
invierno sueco en
los árboles colgada
Filigrane of the Swedish Winter
Bright filigrane
Glittering shining gloss
Blinds us with its light
It hangs from the branches in
the Swedish darkest nights
Hoy me agaché
para recoger perlas
que fulguraban
en la blanca alfombra
regalos de la luna
Bent over this
morning and plocked pearls
sprinkling all over
the silvery carpet both
winter presents of the moon
(To J.A. Garbino)
After an endless
search he found the treasure
hidden in a chest
filled with poems and memories
– opened Pandora’s box
© Azril Bacal
Azril Bacal is a Peruvian Agricultural Engineer and Sociologist. A university lecturer since 1967 in Perú (UNALM and Catholic University), México, Spain, USA (Humanities Endowement Schollar at Otterbein College, Ohio 1995), Visiting Senior Lecturer on Ethnicity at UCLA (1996) and Sweden: Retired Senior Lecturer at Karlstad University and Uppsala University (2006). Consultant-Expert at UNESCO-OREALC (Santiago de Chile) and at the Instituto Indigenista Interamericano (México) in the 1980s.
Currently, Azril is Senior Researcher affiliated to the “Instituto de la Pequeña Producción Sostenible” (IPPS) at the National Agricultural University La Molina (UNALM) in Perú.
Azril was a member of the Paulo Freire Institute and International Board Member, Currently, he is Board Member of RC-10 on “Participation, Organizational Democracy and Self-Management” (International Sociological Association). Member of the Network “Universidad y Compromiso Social,” Seville, Spain.
He has published extensively on issues of education, cultural diversity, anti-racism, cultures of peace and citizenship. Amongst his publications – ‘Citizenship and National Identity in Latin America: The Persisting Salience of Race and Ethnicity’ in Oommen (ed.), Citizenship and National Identity: From Colonialism to Globalism, 1997; Ethnic Discrimination: Comparative Perspectives, Uppsala Universitet: Research Report from the Department of Sociology , 1992; 2 ; Ethnic Discrimination in Sweden: Basic Issues and Reflections, Uppsala Universitet: Op. Cit. 1992: 53-69; From Organism to Identity: The Road from Psychology to Social-Psychology. Towards an Epistemology of Self-Determination, University of Karlstad, Department of Social Sciences, Section of Communication, Working Paper 1994; 1. Ethnic Identity Responses of Mexican Americans to Ethnic Discrimination (Gothenburg, 1994), Quality of Working Life and Democratization in Latin America (EID,1991). A poetry book “Refracciones Itinerantes” (Uppsala, 2010) – and currently in press with a second and enlarged edition, Fondo Editorial, UNALM, Perú (2017) In Press.