69th and Elizabeth, poems by Cynthia Schwartzberg Edlow
Cynthia Schwartzberg Edlow’s poetry collection is The Day Judge Spencer Learned the Power of Metaphor. Her chapbook is Old School Superhero Loves a Good Wristwatch. She has won the Red Hen Press Poetry Award, The Tusculum Review Poetry Prize, Willow Review Prize for Poetry, a Beullah Rose/Smartish Pace Poetry Prize and three Pushcart Prize nominations (2011, 2015, 2016), two of which were nominations from the Pushcart Prize Board of Contributing Editors. Her poetry has appeared widely, including American Literary Review, American Poetry Review, Barrow Street, Broad River Review, Chiron Review, Cimarron Review, Folio, Fourteen Hills, Georgetown Review, Gulf Coast, Levure Littéraire, The Los Angeles Review, Main Street Rag, Plume, Smartish Pace, Tahoma Literary Review and The Texas Review. Poems also been featured in anthologies: Even the Daybreak: 35 Years of Salmon Poetry, Drawn to Marvel, The Emily Dickinson Awards Anthology and Not A Muse. New poetry forthcoming in: Fulcrum and The Plume Anthology of Poetry 5. Forthcoming in 2017: a second full-length verse collection, Horn Section All Day Every Day, from Salmon Poetry. In 2017, she will be teaching poetry craft and workshop classes at Phoenix Center for the Arts. Blog: http://cschwartzbergedlow.blogspot.com/
Poems’ original appearance: The Narrow Chimney Anthology II.
© Cynthia Schwartzberg Edlow