Three Poems Inspired by Women – Terry McDonagh, Celebrated Irish Poet, Playwright, Writer and Founding Contributor of Live Encounters Magazine.
Terry McDonagh poet, translator, dramatist, taught creative writing at the University of Hamburg and Drama Director at the International School. Residencies in Europe, Asia and Australia. Publications: 9 poetry collections, letters and prose. Translated into Indonesian and German. 2015 Out of the Dying Pan into the Pyre, was long-listed for Poetry Society Poetry Prize. 2016, highly commended in Gregory O’Donoghue poetry comp. Included in Gill & McMillan poetry anthology for young people 2016. Lady Cassie Peregrina – his latest poetry collection has just been published by Arlen House with beautiful cover design by South Korean artist, Mikyoung Cha.
Lady Cassie Peregrina is based on our experiences with Cassie, a border collie we got from an ISPCA centre in Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo in Ireland. We, Joanna, Matthew, Cassie and I, shared life for nine months in County Mayo, then headed for Hamburg by car via Belfast, Scotland, Newcastle, Amsterdam and, finally, Hamburg. The whole collection is really just one poem in six sections – three allocated to Cassie’s point of view and three to mine.
© Terry McDonagh