Pitiable Love, poems by Patrick Cotter
Patrick Cotter was born in Cork, Ireland in 1963 where he still lives. He spent periods living in Germany in the 1980s and in San Francisco during the naughties. He has published a verse novella and two full-length collections of poetry (most recently Making Music (Three Spires Press 2009) as well as a number of chapbooks. His poetry has been translated into fifteen languages with substantial selections in Croatian and Estonian and a full volume in Macedonian (No One Knows, Velstovo Poetry Nights Publications 2014) . He received the Keats-Shelley Poetry Prize in 2013 and has been a finalist for the Patrick Kavanagh Prize, The Dermot Healy Prize, The Hennessy Prize and others. In 2005 Southword Editions published Moosebeetle Swallow, his translations (with Taavi Tatsi) of the Estonian Surrealist Andres Ehin. He has also published translations of Paul Celan and Rilke in journals. Recent poems have appeared in magazines such as The Awl, the Financial Times, PNReview, Poetry, Poetry Ireland Review, Poetry Review and elsewhere.
www.patrickcotter.ie (author website)
https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and-poets/poets/detail/patrick-cotter (Poetry Foundation profile with links to audio interviews and other stuff)
http://anti-laureate.blogspot.ie/ (author’s blog)
https://preludemag.com/contributors/patrick-cotter/ poems in Prelude
© Patrick Cotter