As Always, Indiscreet – poems by Lee Upton, Poet, Writer and Francis A. March Professor of English & Writer-in-Residence, Lafayette College
Lee Upton’s most recent books are Bottle the Bottles the Bottles the Bottles from the Cleveland State University Poetry Center (2015); The Tao of Humiliation: Stories, winner of the BOA Short Fiction Award, finalist for The Paterson Prize, and named one of the “best books of 2014” by Kirkus Reviews; and the novella The Guide to the Flying Island from Miami University Press. Another collection of her short stories, Visitations, is forthcoming in Fall 2017 from the Yellow Shoe Fiction Series, Louisiana State University. She is also the author of a collection of essays, Swallowing the Sea: On Writing & Ambition, Boredom, Purity, and Secrecy, from Tupelo; and four books of literary criticism. Her poetry has appeared widely, including in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The New Republic, and in three volumes of Best American Poetry. Her short stories have appeared in many journals, including World Literature Today, The Notre Dame Review, Ascent, and Short Fiction: The Visual Literary Journal.
© Lee Upton