1: Ian Watson – The Voice of German…


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The Voice of German – Übergesetzt, poem by Ian Watson

Ian Watson was born in Belfast but has now spent most of his life in Bremen, Northern Germany, where he worked as a senior lecturer in British and Irish Literature and Creative Writing. He has published poems, articles and literary translations widely and also worked for radio and television in Germany. From 1994 to 2012 he edited  newleafmagazine and ran newleaf press. His recent publications include two books of poetry and short prose Kurzpassspiel  (German) and Riverbank City | A Bremen Canvas, and his collection Granny’s Interpreter was published in March 2016 by Salmon Poetry in Ireland.


© Ian Watson

One Reply to “1: Ian Watson – The Voice of German…”

  1. Hello Ian
    Most interested to read of your current career and achievements. Robin and I hope you and the family are well.
    We continue to live in Bangor- QUB seems an age ago!

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