Heather Brett of Windows Publications presents 24th National Student Poetry Awards.
Special Announcement: Windows Publications will be 25 years old in 2017. We will be concentrating on adults this year with an adult competition and a publication…and also hope to publish at least one emerging writer (over 18 and who has not had a book of poetry published) and a visual artist (who preferably has not had a major solo exhibition- a minimum of 10 poems and 8 artwork). These will be published as part of our Authors & Artists Series along with the top winning poems from the poetry competition. The competition will begin in December and close at the end of February (dates TBC) and entries will be 5 poems for €20. (We don’t believe in fleecing poets and charging exorbitant entry fees). The top prize will be around €500 – as we rely on sponsorship. This is an international competition and we have published poets from many counties in the past. Details will be on the website – windowspublicationsanddesign.com – nearer the time.
© Heather Brett