Live Encounters Magazine May 2016

“Corrupt governments continue to be the happy recipients of British aid. A 2014 report by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) concluded that “DFID recognises corruption as a critical development challenge…(but) has not, however, developed an approach equal to the challenge, nor has it focussed its efforts on the poor. DFID’s willingness to engage in programming that explicitly tackles corruption generally is often constrained by political sensitivity in-country”. So even if DFID’s aid is going “where it is most needed”, it is not necessarily impacting those it is intended to assist.”                             Elizabeth Harrop, Consultant in International Human Rights Advocacy.

Live Encounters Magazine May 2016

David Morgan – Incongruous Summit in Istanbul
Dr Greta Sykes and David Morgan on Brexit
Dr Ibolya (Ibi) Losoncz – Cultural Assimilation
Dr Philippa Smales – Academics and Practitioners
Dr. Bibhu Prasad Routray – CPI-Maoist’s Continuing Potency
Elizabeth Harrop – Politics and inequalities of foreign aid
Jhinuk Chowdhury – Chinese Infrastructure on the Indian border
Joana Stella Kompa – Anger of the White Man…
Mark Chaves – Inside Bali
Graeme Hamilton – Profile of an Artist
Mark Ulyseas – Lord Mountbatten’s tryst in Simla

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