Sarah St Vincent Welch – The poet’s eleven top listicles purporting to be poetry

Welch LE P&W Humour June 2024

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Live Encounters Poetry & Writing, Special Edition on Humour June 2024.

The poet’s eleven top listicles purporting to be poetry,
poem by Sarah St Vincent Welch.

The poet’s eleven top listicles
purporting to be poetry

    1. eleven odes impersonating sonnets
    2. ten self-reflexive metaphors
    3. nine line endings that won’t return
    4. eight rhymes continually forgotten
    5. seven cinquains of six lines
    6. six slams that opened doors
    7. five elegies for our undead
    8. four haikus that married epics
    9. three ghazals that ate themselves
    10. two iambs that skipped in place
    11. one listicle of listicles

© Sarah St Vincent Welch

Sarah St Vincent Welch is a Canberra-based writer and image-maker. She is known for her #litchalk practice (chalking her poetry on the footpaths at arts festivals) and is the founder of the Kindred Trees project, which asks Canberra poets to respond to a local tree in poetry. Her ‘chalk borders’ (Flying Islands Books 2021) won a Canberra Circle of Critics Award. She edited the ‘Tree’ edition of FERAL: A Journal of Poetry and Art, and blogs at

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