Jeltje Fanoy – Mid-autumn fledgling

Fanoy LE P&W Humour June 2024

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Live Encounters Poetry & Writing, Special Edition on Humour June 2024.

Mid-autumn fledgling, poem by Jeltje Fanoy.

Mid-autumn fledgling

Laughing at us –
strutting willy-nilly,
here and there

or dreamlike,
purposeless strutting

or irritable gait
of stressed-out fledgling,
magpies in the park

© Jeltje Fanoy

Jeltje Fanoy has been involved with poetry and poetry small presses in Melbourne since the nineteen seventies. This poem is part of a series of park poems. She’s been spending a lot of time in a little park near her home these last couple of years, as a carer for a close friend. However, birds do appear everywhere in her work.

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