Live Encounters Poetry & Writing, Special Edition on Humour June 2024.
Plans, poem by Alan Jefferies.
I live around friendly people
why, even I will occasionally be asked
at the check-out:
“Any plans for the rest of your day?”
and my answer’s always the same
“Stay outta jail…”
just to see their reaction.
Like I said,
I live around friendly people.
© Alan Jefferies
Alan Jefferies is a poet and children’s author born in Brisbane and raised in Quandamooka Country, the Redlands. He started writing in High School and publishing after moving to Sydney in the mid-seventies. For many years he worked as a librarian and teacher at The Workers’ Educational Association, Sydney. Between 1998 and 2007 he lived and worked in Hong Kong where he co-founded OutLoud – Hong Kong’s longest running English language poetry reading. He’s published six books of poetry, his most recent being ‘in the same breath’ (Flying Islands) which was launched in Sydney in February, 2022.