Tang A Pau – Birding in Vietnam

Pau LE P&W June 2024

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Live Encounters Magazine June 2024

Birding in Vietnam, photo feature by Tang A. Pau.

Special thanks to Nguyen Thuy Hoa.

The photo feature is best viewed in the digital magazine or PDF on a large screen (not phone).

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© Tang A. Pau

Tang A Pau is a professional photographer living in Saigon. He has 15 years of experience. He is a volunteer photographer with ICF Asia (International Crane Foundation) and of some National Parks in Vietnam. Tang’s stories are usually about the natural beauty of places, and species at risk, and encourage environmental awareness. He hopes through his experience and photographs he can highlight all the great benefits that Nature has to offer in Vietnam. Publications: 2021 – Co-author, Birds of Vietnam. Co-author, Atlas of Cattien National Park.

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