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14th Anniversary Edition, Live Encounters Poetry & Writing Volume Three Nov-Dec 2023.
Like wide water, poem by Piet Nieuwland.
Like wide water
In the insinuations of limbs and colors of desire, ephemeral blues and
braided beauties in the laughing sky, the soft call of spotted doves in the
café beside the bluish purple lazy sea, a red and yellow flag
The day like wide water, processions of green fields and nonchalant clouds,
dusty emotions on dry gravel roads, the succulent satisfaction of ripening plums,
aromas of rapidly rising yeasty dough, eggs laid on the slow dusk of solstice, flies,
the overnight sensation of courgettes and beans, the silken weaving of our
afternoon siesta
Everything on the same level surface, without hierarchies, all priorities equal,
spectra creating the music, light skidding across a crumpled cloth covering the
heavy wooden table, the kaleidoscopic eyes of the landscape, the fractals of
your mask spill unspoken glances through the summer shimmer, for an
instants fraction, an invisible link unites us like the silence of glass,
the lick of an ice-cream
Violets slowly falling
In a storm of kisses
a memory of memory
drawn from aquifers of blood
and the hurricane of silence on theoretical numbers of the night
In the hidden geometry of squalls
buried in holocene Aupouri dunes
you are like a conversation of frenzied bee hives on a springtime field
a stream of violets slowly falling from the call of Australorp roosters
You are the flurried feathers of a scatter of gulls
the warm sand on a summer beach
the wings of a white bra falling into the surf
I cling to the smoothness of light that fills your breasts
under the vicious blue sky
© Piet Nieuwland
Piet Nieuwland has poetry appearing in Aotearoa/New Zealand and internationally in numerous print and online journals. He is a performance poet, a visual artist, co-edits the annual Northland anthology Fast Fibres Poetry. His new books of poetry As light into water and We enter the are published by Cyberwit.