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Live Encounters Poetry & Writing Volume One December 2022.
Souls, poems by Alisa Velaj.
English translation by Ukë ZENEL Buçpapaj.
Wounded seagulls
About waters
The sky covering
in sea sadness…
The Lotus Eaters
We started the celebration party
With the golden calf on the table
We all spoke
The same language
After supper
We forgot all what we had eaten
In the garden the first cock
Cracked dawn for the third time
The Water’s Deaths
The water never passes away
Only glances do die
At the dawn of the day
A dawn is a dawn
For it quenches its hunger and thirst
by becoming pregnant with glances
And resurrects amidst
the water’s strange deaths…
© Alisa Velaj
Alisa Velaj was shortlisted for the annual international Erbacce-Press Poetry Award in UK in June 2014. Her work has been published in over 100 international online forums, printed magazines and antholo- gies across many countries (USA, UK, Sweden, Australia, Israel, India). Velaj is the author of the poetry book “With no sweat at all”, (Carvena Barva Press, 2021), translated into the English by Ukë Buçpapaj. In 2020, she won The National Prize in Poetry, awarded by the Albanian Ministry of Culture.