First Footfalls of Spring in my town, photographs by Mikyoung Cha
Mikyoung Cha is a graduate in Oriental Painting from Hyosung Women’s University, Daegu, South Korea. She has participated in a number of group art exhibitions in South Korea and Japan. In 2016 she took up photography – the camera becoming her paint brush. This globe trotting photographer is a regular contributor to Live Encounters Magazine.
When Mother Nature returns from her winter sojourn she serenades my town, Daegu, with a bouquet of flowers. Windflowers or Shady anemones, dog’s tooth violets, pheasant’s-eyes, cherry and peach blossoms are just some of the colours from Nature’s palette, which gets more vibrant as we slip into April.
Enjoy this bouquet of images I have gathered for you.

© Mikyoung Cha