Tourism, a form of Terrorism? by Mark Ulyseas, Text & Photographs
The international media, social et al are crowded with seductive images of azure seas, virgin beaches, luscious fruits and delectable treats, with a banquet of shopping options on offer for the swarms of tourists. This generates business for the locals, pumps money into the economy of a country and creates millions of tons of garbage, much of which is non-biodegradable. Garbage is discarded anywhere and everywhere, polluting rivers, ground water, forests, beaches and seas. Plastic packaging, Styrofoam, and highly toxic electronic items contaminate the environment. And in the glitter of neon lights come paedophiles: Men looking for sex, women looking for sex and people looking for sex with children and animals. There is a brisk business of buying and selling of women and children. In the process sexually transmitted diseases proliferate. And finally to top it all is the robust illegal trade in wildlife and stolen artefacts to tourists.
© Mark Ulyseas
Twitter @marculyseas