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Breaking Bread in Peace by Mark Ulyseas
“There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.”
– Mahatma Gandhi
About 21,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations. One person every four seconds, and they are mostly children.
This is happening as people dump edible food worth billions of dollars on landfills etc. to keep the prices of food stable (translated as ‘we don’t want to give the food away as this would bring down prices and affect our profit margins’).
And while people continue to die of hunger on the hour every hour, the world is witnessing the unprecedented transmigration of people fleeing war and sectarian violence. Thousands have died on their treacherous journey to safer environs. And many more will continue to die.
Hate, indoctrination, misinformation and disinformation are continuing to feed the bloodlust that in turn results in the mindless slaughter and vandalism/destruction of ancient archeological sites. The footprints of history are being deliberately erased forever.
Perhaps if we invite our adversaries to the table to share our food, to break bread in peace, we would begin to understand and respect each other’s cultural peculiarities and sensibilities, and to help each other become better human beings.
Who knows we may even begin to beat our guns into plow shares and become farmers, tilling the soil to feed the world regardless of religion or country.
And perhaps a brave new world will dawn where everyone would be able to go to sleep on a full stomach; And where food will not be an object to make profit from but something that bonds people together in peace and harmony.
The fruits of the earth are for all living beings. Let us use this wisely and share freely with all those less fortunate, including the animals.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om
October, 2015
© Mark Ulyseas