05 MAY 2013

Zuade Kaufman, Publisher of Truthdig in an exclusive interview with Mark Ulyseas
Taking stock of the recent anti-rape law in India – Madhu Mehra
Women Writing Violence – The Novel and Radical Feminist Imaginaries – Shreerekha Subramanian
The Crucifixion of Tomas Young – Chris Hedges – This article was first published on Truthdig
Tree Music – Terry McDonagh
Dr Ivo Coelho, priest, philosopher and Rector of Ratisbonne Monastery in an enlightening interview
The Children Who Die Too Soon – Natalie Wood
“He put electric shock on me”: A glimpse of the persistent, widespread practice of torture in Papua –  Budi Hernawan
Assessing your Beliefs – Candess M Campbell
Photo Gallery – Surfing in Bali – Mark Ulyseas

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