Robbi Nester shelters in place in Southern California. She is the author of 4 books of poetry, including a chapbook, Balance (White Violet, 2012), and three collections: A Likely Story (Moon Tide, 2014), Other-Wise (Kelsay, 2017), and Narrow Bridge (Main Street Rag, 2019). She has also edited 3 anthologies, The Liberal Media Made Me Do It! (Nine Toes, 2014), Over the Moon: Birds, Beasts, and Trees (published as a special issue of Poemeleon Poetry Journal), and a new one, currently in process, The Plague Papers. Her poems, reviews, essays and articles have appeared widely, most recently in McQueen’s Quinterly, Silver Birch Press, The Ekphrastic Review, Pirene’s Fountain, Aeolian Harp, Volume 6, Tiferet, Rhino, and many others. She is an elected member of the Academy of American Poets.
© Robbi Nester