Richard Krawiec has published three poetry collections, most recently Women Who Loved me Despite (Second Edition, Sable Books). His work appears in dozens of literary magazines, including New Orleans Review, Drunken Boat, Shenandoah, sou’wester, Dublin Review, Levure littéraire etc. He has been awarded fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the North Carolina Arts Council(twice), and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. His many awards include Artist in Community Service. He is founder of Jacar Press, a Community Active publishing company which publishes fine poetry books and an award-winning online magazine One. Proceeds from book sales support progressive organizations and individuals. He has also published a short story collection and two novels in the U.S. and 3 novels in France, most recently Paria. He has facilitated writing workshops in homeless shelters, women’s shelters, prisons, literacy classes, and community sites.
© Richard Krawiec