Jim Ward has previously been published for poetry in English and Irish (Cork Literary Review, Poetry Bus, Galway Advertiser, Feasta, Culture Matters’ The Children of the Nation anthology) and for one short story in Irish (Feasta). His play Just Guff won ‘Best in the West’ award at Galway Fringe Festival, 2017 and has toured locally including Town Hall Studio, Galway and Liberty Hall, Dublin as part of MayFest 2019. His poem 2016 Proclamation was runner-up in the Galway Bay FM/Thoor Ballylee Poetry Challenge to ‘Yeats’ indominatible Irishry’ 2017. He has had three solo exhibitions of his artwork 20 Shades of Pencil Grey and some of these pieces are on display in Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop, Club Áras na nGael and An Taibhdhearc, Galway. He has exhibited in the online magazine Dodging the Rain, Galway Cartoon Festival twice and 1916 by Local Artists. He is working on a first novel.
© Jim Ward