Susan Condon – The Sleeping Landscape

Profil Susan Condon LE Mag July 2019

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A poem by Susan Condon

Susan Condon, a native of Dublin, Ireland has started working on a new novel set in her home town. She was awarded a Certificate in Creative Writing from the National University of Ireland Maynooth. Her short stories have won numerous awards including first prize in the Jonathan Swift Creative Writing Award while others have been long-listed, on four occasions, in the RTÉ Guide/Penguin Short Story Competition. Publications include Ireland’s Own AnthologyMy Weekly, Boyne Berries 22, Live Encounters, Flash Flood Journal, SpelkFlash Fiction Magazine and The Flash Fiction Press. Susan blogs at:  You can find her on Twitter: @SusanCondon or check out her crime fiction reviews and interviews on

The Sleeping Landscape

A light mist falls from a slate grey sky as
my eyes traverse the sleeping landscape.

It’s difficult to visualise this world awake.

But eventually, voices break the silence,
an inanimate world springs back to life.

Dark blots on the horizon, carry a white casket,
weaving their way towards a toothed enclosure.
The hallowed ground offers peace and tranquillity.

Tendrils of anguish brush my cheek: a grief,
intense enough to burn my soul. Some quench
fires while others fan the flames; igniting hatred,
allowing old wounds to fester. But not today.

In solidarity, this land divided, now joins as one.

Birdsong breaks my reverie. A lone robin departs.

© Susan Condon