Indelible Imprint, poems by Raeesa Usmani
Ms. Raeesa Usmani is a Lecturer in English at The Department of Biotechnology, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, Gujarat, India. A Gold Medalist in M.A. in English Literature and Language, she received her M. Phil. Degree on Travel Writing. She is currently working for a doctorate. She has published poems in journals and magazines, i.e. Setu, Spillwords Press, Tuck Magazine, The Pangolin Review, Café Dissensus, an Anthology, “Muffled Moans: An Anthology on Abuse/Gender Violence”, GNOSIS: An International Journal of English Language and Literature, JMS: An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal.
Indelible Imprint
The indelible imprint
Captured in my memory
Of those sublime days
And cozy nights
Makes me wonder till the date
What it was like!
Those smiley faces
On sunny, crowded days
Caught my attention on roadsides, markets, and eateries
Worrisome yet joyous spirits
Of those fresh, unhealthy souls
Left an indelible imprint!
Those shouts, bargaining and customer’s support
Everywhere you passed by or come across
For shopping, eating or commuting
Wandering or crossing or walking
There, on every novel road you walked by
In this unattractive city
Has left an indelible imprint!
The polluted air, fill lungs with dark phlegm
The faces doesn’t seem cooperating body
And shall leave you devastated or broken
Millions times a day
And you still smile
Thanks god and complaint at a time
For all those indelible imprints these shall leave behind!
She carries beauty as a whole
In her every gesture and posture
As soft as she is!
Her graceful smile
Full of life and zest
Never let leave the glance
From those long dark curls
Keep irritating her every now and then
Yet unaware of the Beauty her irritation adds
To the viewer, who forgets even his self.
Her graceful walk and brainy talks
Her innocent humor and sharp wit
All seem so pious and filled
With the original nature
Of that Lady’s thrill.
For the first time in life
He did not see the Beauty
But felt its gracious presence
That touched both – his heart and brain
As the rain would touch
Those dry sand of the thirsty land!
©Raeesa Usmani