Maria Miraglia – To My Mother

Profile Maria Mirgalia Live Encounters Poetry & Writing March 2018

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To My Mother, poems by Maria Miraglia

Maria Miraglia graduated in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Bari. She got the HLC, a certification in language skills from Trinity College- U;  a master’s degree from the University Aldo Moro in Bari, one more from the UNI3 University in Rome. She collaborated with the Italian Department of Education. Educator, poet and translator. Teacher in high state secondary schools, Lecturer in courses for foreign language teachers. She has been an active member of Amnesty International for a long time, she herself Founder and President of World Foundation for Peace, Member of the Human Rights Observatory. A Founding Member and Literary Director of the  Italian Cultural Association P. Neruda, Honorary Member of Nationes Unidas de las Letras, Editor-in-Chief of Galaktika Poetike Autunis and member of the editorial office of Our Poetry Archive. Maria collaborates for poetry with numerous national and international newspapers and magazines. Her poems have been translated into many foreign languages and are featured in numerous anthologies. Maria’s works include the poetry anthologies:  Petali tra le Nuvole, Whispers From the Blue, Dancing in the Wind and Seagulls in the Blue. Author of Le Più Grandi Opere del Poeta Laureato Yayati Madan Gandhi Translated by Maria Miraglia, author and publisher of Antologia Poetica.  She has been awarded national and international prizes and her poems translated into many languages.


The inspiring muse
knocks on the doors
of my soul
and offers me emotions
to translate into words

A sort of anxiety
besets me
wherever I be
I look for a pen
or a pencil
a sheet
to stop the thoughts
I fear may fly away
like leaves torn off by the wind
or fade away
as falling stars
come who knows
where from

And the sheet tinges with words
in sequences of meanings
that emerge
not searched
not invoked
to resonate like music
whose notes
I didn’t know before

To My Mother

Far as the stars
shining at night
on the dark canvas
the time together
but I can still feel
the scent of the lilies
in that home
whose windows are closed
since that gloomy days

The sun comes back
and rises the moon
again and again
the colours of the seasons
seems to be the same
and so the murmurs
of the waters flowing
to their mouths
but the sense of joy
when with you
my guide my angel

And I can still hear
your reassuring voice
and feel the touch
of your hand on mine
when talking to me
of life and love
with words of wisdom

Where are you Mom
do you love me still

Extraneous Room  

You turn back
while I’m following you
from not afar

Sitting now
in that chair
of an extraneous room
white and grey its walls
like the clouds outside
in this cold autumnal morning
hanging a small painting
of the Virgin
there silent since ever
and people from the beds
observing curious

You look at me
and I get close to you
to see mute tears flowing
from your eyes

I’d hug you
hold you tight
cherish you
with the nicknames
of our moments together
among the friendly walls
which have seen you grow

Agitated the soul motions
like when of a sudden
the wind comes
to shake the leaves
among the shivering branches
and you can hear their whispers
as accelerated heartbeats
carried away by the wind breaths

I take your hand
and you smother your torment
pretending to feel good
and I to believe you


With trustful spirit I greet
each new dawn
but only at night
I can tell
of each day
what was
always unpredictable
what comes
alternating thunderstorms
with good weather
and I observe of the cosmos
the balance among the stars
unmutable since ever
and doubtful wonder
if will ever Man
aspire to so much

© Maria Miraglia