Karma Inquiry, poems by Richard James Allen
Australian born Richard James Allen’s ten books of poetry, fiction and performance texts include Fixing the Broken Nightingale (Flying Island Books), The Kamikaze Mind (Brandl & Schlesinger) and Thursday’s Fictions (Five Islands Press), shortlisted for the Kenneth Slessor Prize for Poetry. His writing has appeared widely in magazines, journals, anthologies and online over thirty years. Richard has had a unique international career as a multi-award-winning writer, director, choreographer, filmmaker and performer, with screen adaptations of his poetry and other films shown at over two hundred and fifty national and international festivals and other screenings as well as on television around the world, and live readings, performance adaptations and appearances presented at over one hundred and fifty venues on three continents. The recipient of numerous awards (including three ATOM Awards) and nominations (including the Rodney Seaborn Playwrights Award and the Griffin Award for New Australian Playwriting), Richard won the Chancellor’s Award for the most outstanding PhD thesis at the University of Technology, Sydney. Former Artistic Director of the Poets Union Inc., and director of the inaugural Australian Poetry Festival, Richard co-edited the landmark anthology, Performing the Unnameable: An Anthology of Australian Performance Texts (Currency Press/RealTime). Website: www.physicaltv.com.au
The Physical TV Company: http://www.physicaltv.com.au
Fixing the Broken Nightingale: http://www.fixingthebrokennightingale.com/
The Kamikaze Mind: http://www.thekamikazemind.com/
Thursday’s Fictions: http://www.thursdaysfictions.com/
Richard James Allen at the Australian Poetry Library: http://www.poetrylibrary.edu.au/poets/allen-richard-james
Richard James Allen at IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3700775/
© Richard James Allen