Jennifer Dickerson – On an Average Day

Dickerson LE P&W Humour June 2024

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Live Encounters Poetry & Writing, Special Edition on Humour June 2024.

On an Average Day, poem by Jennifer Dickerson.

On an Average Day

On an average day
young men in the street notice me,
perhaps it’s my wildly weaving trolley.

“Can I help you?” is asked.
Too late for that, I think,
where were you when I was 18?

Then I reboot, because they weren’t alive,
and make a joke “Only if you’ve
a spare pair of legs.” They laugh.

Five seats to take a breather,
between the shops and home.
Wait time about ten minutes each!

First outside the perfumier -inhale deeply,
Then the hairdresser, he’ll give a wave.
How does my hair look today?

Third is the newsagent- I wonder…
Do I need to know the news?
Pick up a paper for the crossword.

Fourth seat there’s an array of cakes.
Speed up to give this stop a miss,
drooling with sugar desire.

Five the last revival seat by the antique shop.
Appropriate I think, with my ancient trolley
we become part of the display.

My front door and another “Can I help you?”
I smile as I pull my gear through the gate.
If I die today at least I am at home.

© Jennifer Dickerson

Jennifer Dickerson First work published in 1940s in a school magazine,  and Woman magazine (later renamed Womans Day).1955 Melbourne Herald-Sun Melbourne as a cadet journalist. Set up a South coast writers group Kitchen Table Poets under auspices of Chris Mansell. Books: “ DICKERSON  Against the tide” , “Chiaroscuro”,  “Quirky Verse” (2015, Turpentine) &  “The Claimants Daughter”  (2017, Turpentine).

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