Jane Downing – 7 Habits for Moderately Effective People

Downing LE P&W Humour June 2024

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Live Encounters Poetry & Writing, Special Edition on Humour June 2024.

7 Habits for Moderately Effective People, poem by Jane Downing.

7 Habits for Moderately Effective People

do stuff
stuff what they say
ignore stuff and nonsense
stuff as much as you can into your day
when the stuffing is knocked out of you
if you can help it never say ‘stuff it’
just try not to stuff it up
keep doing stuff

© Jane Downing

Jane Downing’s poetry has appeared in journals at home in Australia and overseas, including previously in Live Encounters. Her collection, ‘When Figs Fly’ (Close-Up Books) was published in 2019. She can be found at janedowning.wordpress.com

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