Margaret Kiernan – Ensemble at The Café

Margaret LE P&W Oct 2022

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Ensemble at The Café , poems by Margaret Kiernan.

Ensemble at The Café

Her best heel tripping
in the Andalusian night
guitars fast paced, sweeps soars
reaches for golden stars
arpeggio found

The piano player wears striped pants
touches the ivories like a Faberge glass
as the singer in his boater hat, mouths

Into his slim silver mic
sways his hips, touches his green tie
lyrics’ smooth as chocolate mousse

A liquid silk, slick.
A woman shakes her castanets
wears a purple rose in her blue-black hair

She watches the songster’s groove.
Evening slips into a mellow
cup of dance.

Lilliput Bay- Blue Hour

Blue boat bobs in a backwash
at this blue hour
the Bay bathed
glazed in gold
water holds reflection
to ebbing light

Clouds billow near the
Without a moon
Extinguishing rays
Soon the birds will cease to
will roost in trees.
Squirrels will fall sleep.


A rebel act of creation for today

To-day I painted a tree
single, alone
free with summer greens
added shadows, a cosmos of limbs.

I dry-brush scant paint for the trunk
hold back on the universal
life beneath

My feet, shift
crackle on broken twigs
a single crow overhead
I leave out.
The tree is enough.

© Margaret Kiernan

Margaret Kiernan has a background in Public Policy and Social Justice. She writes poetry and short stories. She also paints landscapes in mixed media. She is published in, The Blue Nib Literary Journal, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Burrow at Old-water-rat publishing Australia, The Galway Review, Poet Head, A New Ulster, Anthologies, and Cultural news magazines. She is listed in The Index of Contemporary Women Poets in Ireland, 2020. She writes with the Thursday Group of poets, at Over -the-Edge, Galway. Is also a member of Ox Mountain poets.

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