Luciana Croci – Remake

Profile Croci LEP&W ANZ May 2021

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Live Encounters Poetry & Writing May 2021
Special edition featuring poets from Australia & New Zealand.

Luciana Croci is a Newcastle-based poet and writer, whose work is published in Animal Encounters (Catchfire Press 2012), Australian Novascapes, Speculative Fiction Anthology (Invisible Elephant Press 2016), Poetry Collaboration, (Meuse Press,2018,2019,2020), The Blue Nib Literary Magazine (Issue 41) and the e-anthology Mediterranean Odyssey. She has a background in languages (Latin, French, Italian, German and Japanese).


on my sun-strewn verandah
I wind woollen yarn from long discarded knits
a cat rolls tangles paws in the angora
flosses front teeth
eyes alive ready to spring

my mind winds into a ball
my fingers ready to tease out threads
I cast on
rework the tight first row
hook new phrases
pull loop through loop
consider tension
one strangled stranded syllable

snap thread and start again
cast on a line count stitches units words
viewing from the sun’s perspective
makes me dizzy
but flat earth’s too static —
I eyed the sun
through a pin-hole once
but that was shadow-play

the cat’s asleep now
my toes are warm
think about texture pattern style
slack and pull of thread

a lizard ventures close
and a mosquito
we make lines of what’s here and now

Imposing Order

dusk draws a line
from the magnolia’s topmost flower
to the tip of the purple bougainvillea
my eye plays with distances and boundaries
imposing structure where there is none

none in a bird call
unless I choose to find it
a rose’s petal tutu is skewed
despite my attempts to view symmetry
I am the one to pin a name
on petrichor rising and wafting
from rain-soaked asphalt

nature’s laissez-faire is interpreted
in words and lines, rules are imposed
to classify masterpiece and failure

Da Vinci’s sketches are meshed
with inter-crossing perspective lines
as bare as winter brambles
Lily Briscoe limned a line
across her problematic painting
and her picture was complete

eyeing his delicate impasto
Turner found brush and paint
and lobbed a red blob on its translucence

we take rose petals and leaves
file their soft shape to fractals
arrange them in elaborate
mathematically precise mandalas
draw timelines in textbooks
trace world history dot to dot

rule off at end of day
to make our darkness
more secure

© Luciana Croci