Live Encounters Poetry & Writing Spring Edition April 2022

LE P&W Spring Edition April 2022ff

Justin Lowe – guest editorial
David Rigsbee
Angela Costi
Anna Yin
Anne Elvey
Audrey Molloy
Ben Hession
Beth Spencer
Brian Kirk
Cathy Altmann
David Brooks
Davide Angelo
Dominique Hecq
Elsa Korneti
Emilie Collyer
Enda Coyle-Greene
Eugen Bacon
Esther Ottaway
Fotoula Reynolds
Gail Ingram
Gayelene Carbis
Gillian Swain
Graham Allen
Hélène Cardona
Irina Frolova
Jane Frank
Jena Woodhouse
John Liddy
John Robert Grogan
Julia Kaylock
Ka Rees
Kate McNamara
Kelly Van Nelson
Kit Willett
Lee Upton
Lincoln Jacques
Lisa C Taylor
Luciana Croci
Magdalena Ball
Manuela Palacios
Mark Tredinnick
Matina Doumos
Michael J Leach
Miriam Hechtman
Ndue Ukaj
Patricia Sykes
Peter Boyle
Phillip Hall
Pratibha Castle
Richard W Halperin
Roberta Beary
Roisin Brown
Ruairí de Barra
Tony Hozeny
Tracie Lark
Tricia Dearborn
Yuyutsu Sharma
Paul Brookes – Book review

Note: Individual profile pages will be uploaded once back end work on the site has been completed.

Live Encounters P&W April 2022pdfI

Please help by donating any amount for this just cause as events in 2022 are threatening the very future of Live Encounters.
