Live Encounters Poetry & Writing August 2020

LE P&W August 2020 Banner

Anton Floyd – Ubuntu in a West Cork Garden
Božidar Vasiljević – Predah
Danijela Trajković – Rabl
Fergus Hogan – In Vino Veritas
Hélène Cardona – Translation of three poems
from ‘The Abduction’ by Maram Al-Masri

Jim Burke – The Steak Knife of Despair
Joachim Matschoss – After Social Distancing
Margaret O’Driscoll – Just Passing Through
Maria Wallace – Museum Whispers
Peter O’Neill – The Kiss
Ray Whitaker – Covid One Niner Alpha

LE P&W August 2020pdf

Please help by donating any amount for this just cause as events this year are threatening the very future of Live Encounters.
