Dianne Alvine is a retired social worker, who has worked as a vocational counselor with people who has developmental disabilities. Dianne also was as a social worker in a nursing home before she retired. Her poems have appeared in on line poetry journals, such as Muse-Pie Press, Poetry Super Highway, and an upcoming issue of Auroras and Blossoms will feature her poem, ‘Bliss,’ in their July, 2020 issue. Her chapbook, ‘Child’s Play,’ was published in 2018 by Finishing Line Press. Last year her poem, ‘The Harvest,’ won an Editor’s Choice Award, in the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Contest sponsored by the Paterson Literary Review. Many of her poems have been selected to appear in the annual Wall Art/Poetry Exhibit at the Surf City Library on Long Beach Island, N.J. Some of Dianne favorite things, besides poetry, are blue skies, flowers, eating cookies, and her rescue dog Baby.
© Diane Alvine