Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal – Dead Stars

Berriozábal LE P&W 2 Nov-Dec 2024

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Live Encounters Poetry & Writing Volume Two November-December 2024

Dead Stars, poems by Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal.

Dead Stars

Distant night sky pearls
in vain I try to reach you.
Do you exist if you are
dead in the vast canvas?

I would like you closer.
I want to move to the moon.
I could see you closer.
I could hold you in my hands.

I have gazed at you for years
from my bed out my window.
Your flickering lights, how
I want to make you mine.

I sit in silence and marvel
at your eternal spirit.
I shudder at the thought
that you are dead, motionless.

Lazy Afternoons

These days I chase
lazy afternoons
and I drink them up
with cocoa and milk.
I eat them like grapes
and dream I am overseas.
An outline of the moon
can be seen in the sky.
Night is far away
as are the glimmering
lights. I do not join
the afternoon cult.
I change my names
and go by pseudonyms,
mostly Latin names.
My fragile eyes well up.
But I am fine.
I think of an old love.
I have a bad habit,
which does me no favors.
The old love is gone
and these lazy afternoons
will never leave me behind.
I put on my shades.
I play the part of the poet.
My office is outside,
where I spend my days
chasing lazy afternoons.

Heart of Stone

Carved out of rock,
sculpted into a

heart of stone, it
never felt love.

Like far away
clouds it remained.

Blind to tenderness,
still as the stone

it was. When thrown,
it caused great pain.

© Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal

Born in Mexico, Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal lives in California and works in Los Angeles. He is the author of Raw Materials (Pygmy Forest Press), Make the Water Laugh (Rogue Wolf Press), and Peering into the Sun (Poet’s Democracy). His recent poetry has been featured in Blue Collar Review, Live Encounters, Mad Swirl, Oddball Magazine, and Unlikely Stories.

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