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Live Encounters Magazine Volume Two December 2022.
Nature is the answer, photographs by Afaf Elbousty.
Nature is simply a masterpiece; a glimpse of what heaven looks like. I always feel honored and at peace when I take my camera out and capture some aspects of it. I’ve always been told that the best photographs I take are of animals and nature.
I find this practice very therapeutic and inspirational; it makes me very happy and proud of what I do. Life is full of wonders and details that are easily missed if you don’t take a closer look. When I take a photo, I try to immortalize a moment that is otherwise gone forever. Nature has the power to heal souls, reconnect us to our origins, and make us understand the purpose of life. We cannot survive a day without nature, and it truly amazes me. Nature is silent yet so loud in its actions. Every breath we take, the food we eat, the water we drink, everything comes from it.
I dream of a world where we all appreciate it and where we try harder to preserve it. It can exist and will exist without us, but we don’t stand a chance if it’s gone forever. Let’s show nature some love, let’s take our cameras out and celebrate it!
© Afaf Elbousty
Afaf Elbousty is a freelance writer, translator, and photographer. She was born in Casablanca, Morocco where she spent more than two decades before she moved to the U.S. She previously worked in the banking industry in Morocco, where she played a key role in many banking initiatives. Upon her arrival to the U.S., she has been involved in many initiatives, including freelance work and photography. She is an avid reader; she spends most of her time outdoors, capturing riveting photographs. She has an Instagram account (@afafelboustyphotography) where she features her photography.